NT Labs Clears Green & Cloudy Water 1ltr


Categories: nt labs, pond treatments and additivesWarranty: No Warranty

NT Labs Clears Green & Cloudy Water – Your Solution for Restoring Crystal Clarity to Your Pond
When to Use: NT Labs Clears Green & Cloudy Water, also known as Magiclear, is the perfect remedy when your pond water appears green and/or cloudy. This specialized treatment causes particles in the water to clump together, facilitating easy removal by settling out of suspension or through the pond filter.
How to Use:

Test pH and KH:

Start by testing the pH and KH of the water to ensure optimal conditions for treatment.

Aerate Pond Well:

Ensure proper pond aeration with features such as a fountain, waterfall, or air pump.

Partial Water Change:

Conduct a partial water change, especially if the water is extremely green (“pea soup”).

Switch Off Pump (if necessary):

Temporarily switch off the pump if a strong flow rate could prevent particles from clumping. Remember to switch it back on as soon as the water clarifies.

Mix Correct Dose:

In a clean bucket of pond water, mix the correct dose of Magiclear.

Evenly Distribute Around Pond:

Pour the mixed solution evenly around the pond.

Clean Filter After Treatment:

Clean the collected particles from the filter after the treatment.

Address Floating Clumps (if necessary):

Without a filter, some clumps may float, and these can be removed using a net.

Observe Fish and Take Action:

Use Magiclear when you have sufficient time to observe the fish and take action in the unlikely event of a reaction.

Do Not:

Do not use when the dissolved oxygen may be low (e.g., at daybreak, in hot, humid, or thundery weather, or within three hours of feeding).
Do not use if the KH is below 6 or the pH is below 7.
Do not use if there is nitrite in the water.


Failure to conduct a partial water change on extremely green water, like “pea soup,” may result in a rapid reduction in oxygen, which could be dangerous to fish. Visit our knowledge hub for more information on this subject.

Trust NT Labs Clears Green & Cloudy Water (Magiclear) to restore crystal clarity to your pond and create an optimal environment for your fish. Follow the provided instructions and safety guidelines for a successful treatment experience. Count on NT Labs for reliable solutions in pond water management.

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