Mountain Tree Fresh Lotus Root Bacteria House Dia 4X16.5CM, 24 pieces in a box


Categories: bacteria home, mountain tree, pond filter media, shower filtersWarranty: No WarrantyEAN: MTF207

Special lotus root and nanopores provide the ultimate environment for nitrobacteria to grow, thus enhance their performance in dealing with harmful nitrate and nitrite.

Ideal biochemical filtration media

Filter and mineralize water simultaneously

VAST surface area for bacteria cultivation

Well-designed formula for fishes growth and health

3380?/L Specific surface area
Filtration media area increase by more than 3 times, reaching up to 3380?/L thanks to our patented lotus root plus spiral structure. By such innovation, the bacteria house provides more surface area for bacteria cultivation, thus enhance the filtration effect and effeciency.
Water absorption rate of 80%
Water absorption rate of 80% certifies maximum media filter efficiency.
Rich mineral elements and Far Infrared Ray Emits
Contains various minerals for fish, coral, and plants, including K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Na, Ca, which improves the growth rates of fish bones while enhancing fish appetites and optimally balancing their blood conditions. Mountain Tree Spiral Bacteria House is far-infrared super ceramics added, expensive gems, silicon ore, germanium, and tourmaline. Contain various minerals that are vital for the fish digestive system, colon, bones, blood…What’s more, the minerals dissolve out of ore and let fish grow vigor.

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