Microbe Lift Bio Blue Enzyme & Pond Colourant 500ml


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Categories: microbe lift, microbe-lift treatments, pond treatments and additivesWarranty: No WarrantyEAN: 97121201188

Microbe-Lift Bio-Blue is specially formulated to safely color lakes, lagoons, decorative ponds, fountains, and water features a beautiful shade of blue. Microbe-Lift Bio-Black is dark colorant, specially formulated to safely color reflecting ponds black.

Will not stain birds, fish, pond rocks, or most concrete fountains once diluted.
Safe for humans, plants, and aquatic life.
Colors the water with a beautiful blue or black color.
Blocks specific beams of light.
Decreases organic waste.
Decreases unpleasant scents.
No limitations for swimming, irrigation or fishing.
Makes unsightly water more attractive.
Mixes completely in hours.

Dosage: 15 ml per 1000 litres of water. For major water surfaces: 1 litre per 1000m² (1 to 2 metres deep).Application: Shake properly before using. Dilute ML BIO-BLUE/BIO-BLACK in a bucket ofwater and poor the diluted liquid into the pond, fountain, water feature, etc.
Please note: NON-DILUTED colorant could stain on concrete or rock.The color can differ, because of the differences in water quality and chemical composition.
Use half the bottle to get a certain color tone and add dosage until you reach the desired color.

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